
to solve

icona che rappresenta la riduzione dell'utilizzo di fitofarmaci cui mira EdiVite per una viticoltura moderna sostenibile

to solve

icona che rappresenta la riduzione dell'utilizzo di fitofarmaci cui mira EdiVite per una viticoltura moderna sostenibile

Modern viticulture faces significant challenges such as:

  • the intensive use of pesticides to protect vineyards from fungal diseases
  • issues of fertility, productivity, precocity and quality, all influenced by climate change
L'uso intensivo di fitofarmaci è uno dei principali problemi della viticoltura moderna che Edivite si impegna ad affrontare

The most difficult challenge is addressing the issues of modern viticulture while maintaining Italy’s leadership in quality and uniqueness in the sector, for sustainable and economically viable vineyard management

Our goals

Reduction in the use of high-impact environmental pesticides

Preservation of the original genetic make-up of vines

Production of a “clean” final product with a high-quality standard

Grappoli soggetti a vari tipi di stress e patogeni quali peronospora, oidio, stress idrico.


New Genetic Techniques (NGT) allow the ‘switching off’ of susceptibility genes used by pathogens to attack plants and regulate genes involved in grape ripening. Through simple mutations obtained using CRISPR/Cas technology, EdiVite can produce grapevine plants resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew.

icona che rappresenta il grappolo di vite

Main edited varieties:

icona che rappresenta il grappolo di vite







Thompson Seedless

Product Uniqueness

Although clonal selection and breeding programs over the past 10-15 years have produced interesting new varieties, the genetic differences from the original cultivar result in significant changes to the paradigms on which the vine-terroir relationship is based. EdiVite opens new horizons in grapevine cultivation and the market by achieving what traditional breeding cannot: clones of traditional grape varieties that are more resistant to diseases or enhanced in other traits of interest, without altering their identity and organoleptic profile.

cloni di vitigni tradizionali più resistenti alle malattie o migliorati in altri tratti d’interesse con identità e profilo organolettico inalterati per una viticoltura moderna e sostenibile.
EdiVite si impegna nella ricerca e nell'innovazione per una viticoltura moderna e sostenibile

Innovation and Research

icona che rappresenta il lavoro di ricerca e la tecnologia applicata sui protoplasti

Innovation and Research

icona che rappresenta il lavoro di ricerca e la tecnologia applicata sui protoplasti

Research is the foundation of innovation. EdiVite stands out for its strong and continuous commitment to scientific research at an international level. The expertise of EdiVite’s team of scientists and researchers has allowed us to be the first to apply the latest genetic and genomic discoveries to solving complex problems. We do not stop here and continue passionately studying the physiological and molecular processes that govern grape development, productivity and response to stress, to continue providing future innovations and customized solutions that different terroirs urgently need.

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